How's Your Heart
Jerry N. Watts
Mark 4:2-20
Consider two imaginary men who could be a caricature of real men; Jim and John. They both came to Rocky Creek church around the same time, they are around the same age, and are both doing well in their professional life. They have come into this service and sit one row apart. Jim has his Bible open, pen in hand to take an occasional note, participates in the Worship through singing, hears the word preached, says 'amen' from time to time and occasionally nods in agreement. He is totally engaged in God's word.
John, on the other hand, sit one row in front of Jim and he's nodding, but it's not in agreement. He can hardly keep his eyes open. He rarely remembers to bring his Bible, he's not taking any notes, he occasionally looks at his watch wondering when this will be over, and he can get some lunch. He so bored that he starts counting how many lightbulbs are in this building.
Here's another example: two girls Jane and Judy. They are in their Senior Year of High School. They grew up at RCBC and were baptized the same year. Jane has her phone app using her Bible app to follow along the text the preacher is using. Using her 'YouVersion' she can follow along and keep notes for her devotion time. Judy also has her phone out, but she isn't using the Bible app, she is busy texting with friends and checking the latest post on Instagram, Snapchat, or Vine. She knows that someone is speaking and the message is on the screens, but she really is not listening. All four of these people are hearing the same message, but two are engaged while the other two are distracted and bored. How do you explain the difference? I believe Jesus gives us the answer in one of his most famous parables. It teaches us about how we receive the word of God and, honestly, why we don't receive His word. It is a matter of the Heart. So this morning, I want to ask, ''How's Your Heart?'' (READ TEXT)
Christ's goal for every heart is to be 'producti ...
Jerry N. Watts
Mark 4:2-20
Consider two imaginary men who could be a caricature of real men; Jim and John. They both came to Rocky Creek church around the same time, they are around the same age, and are both doing well in their professional life. They have come into this service and sit one row apart. Jim has his Bible open, pen in hand to take an occasional note, participates in the Worship through singing, hears the word preached, says 'amen' from time to time and occasionally nods in agreement. He is totally engaged in God's word.
John, on the other hand, sit one row in front of Jim and he's nodding, but it's not in agreement. He can hardly keep his eyes open. He rarely remembers to bring his Bible, he's not taking any notes, he occasionally looks at his watch wondering when this will be over, and he can get some lunch. He so bored that he starts counting how many lightbulbs are in this building.
Here's another example: two girls Jane and Judy. They are in their Senior Year of High School. They grew up at RCBC and were baptized the same year. Jane has her phone app using her Bible app to follow along the text the preacher is using. Using her 'YouVersion' she can follow along and keep notes for her devotion time. Judy also has her phone out, but she isn't using the Bible app, she is busy texting with friends and checking the latest post on Instagram, Snapchat, or Vine. She knows that someone is speaking and the message is on the screens, but she really is not listening. All four of these people are hearing the same message, but two are engaged while the other two are distracted and bored. How do you explain the difference? I believe Jesus gives us the answer in one of his most famous parables. It teaches us about how we receive the word of God and, honestly, why we don't receive His word. It is a matter of the Heart. So this morning, I want to ask, ''How's Your Heart?'' (READ TEXT)
Christ's goal for every heart is to be 'producti ...
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