Scripture: John 3:1-12
This content is part of a series.
Do I Have A Spiritual Birth Certificate? (1 of 4)
Series: The Cross Shaped Life
James Merritt
John 3:1-12
I want to welcome those at our campuses as well as those watching online. We are one church in multiple locations. I encourage you to attend the campus closest to you.
1. I wrote a book entitled, 52 Weeks With Jesus. No matter how many books I have written or may write, it will always be my favorite book, because it is all about my favorite subject - Jesus. Whenever I am asked to sign that book, I always sign it with these words, ''There's nobody like Jesus!'' You can line up every religious leader, prophet, teacher, and figure in history and they all have to stand totally apart from Jesus. He is literally one of a kind!
2. Jesus is the only one who claimed to have been born of a virgin. He is the only one who claimed to be the Son of God and in fact, God himself. He is the only one who claimed to have lived a perfect life. He is the only one who claimed to have died for the sins of the entire world. He is the only one who has ever come back from the dead.
3. When you read about the life of Jesus, He came to earth for one purpose - to make disciples. When He left planet earth He gave the church one job - to make disciples. Now, in the 1st century the word ''disciple'' didn't mean what we take it to mean today. It didn't refer to a pupil in a school who learned certain truths or certain principles. It really meant an apprentice. A disciple was someone who didn't just learn principles, or ideas, or even a philosophy. A disciple was someone who learned a way of life. A disciple was a follower, not just of a set of teachings, but of the teacher himself and the way the teacher lived.
4. Every person on this planet was born for two reasons -
1) to become a disciple of Jesus
2) to become a disciple maker for Jesus
5. In those purposes are the mission of our church. We exist to fulfill the mission of making disciples out of n ...
Series: The Cross Shaped Life
James Merritt
John 3:1-12
I want to welcome those at our campuses as well as those watching online. We are one church in multiple locations. I encourage you to attend the campus closest to you.
1. I wrote a book entitled, 52 Weeks With Jesus. No matter how many books I have written or may write, it will always be my favorite book, because it is all about my favorite subject - Jesus. Whenever I am asked to sign that book, I always sign it with these words, ''There's nobody like Jesus!'' You can line up every religious leader, prophet, teacher, and figure in history and they all have to stand totally apart from Jesus. He is literally one of a kind!
2. Jesus is the only one who claimed to have been born of a virgin. He is the only one who claimed to be the Son of God and in fact, God himself. He is the only one who claimed to have lived a perfect life. He is the only one who claimed to have died for the sins of the entire world. He is the only one who has ever come back from the dead.
3. When you read about the life of Jesus, He came to earth for one purpose - to make disciples. When He left planet earth He gave the church one job - to make disciples. Now, in the 1st century the word ''disciple'' didn't mean what we take it to mean today. It didn't refer to a pupil in a school who learned certain truths or certain principles. It really meant an apprentice. A disciple was someone who didn't just learn principles, or ideas, or even a philosophy. A disciple was someone who learned a way of life. A disciple was a follower, not just of a set of teachings, but of the teacher himself and the way the teacher lived.
4. Every person on this planet was born for two reasons -
1) to become a disciple of Jesus
2) to become a disciple maker for Jesus
5. In those purposes are the mission of our church. We exist to fulfill the mission of making disciples out of n ...
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