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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Luke 6:38
This content is part of a series.

Giving in Faith (4 of 7)
Series: Unstoppable
Jim Perdue
Luke 6:38

We continue our series entitled, Unstoppable: 40 Days of Breakthrough Faith. More than a series, this is a campaign, a movement, a journey for our entire church. It's a journey of prayer, intimacy with God and fellowship with His Spirit.

Our sermons will coincide with this series, we have devotional books to coincide with this series: personal and for family. Our Life Group lessons will focus on prayer and our services each Sunday will center around prayer as well. Today, we're going to study Luke 6:38 as we talk about this subject, Giving in Faith. READ TEXT - PRAY

The Bible tells us that true faith will affect every aspect of our being. That faith will change us from the inside out and make us completely new. That in Christ we are new creations, the old has completely passed away and new things have come.

Being a disciple and living by faith invades every area of your life. It means avoiding certain things and committing to other things. If you're going to be like Jesus you can't embrace the world; movies, music, alcohol, television. You'll have to avoid certain things. But you'll also have to commit to certain things; reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, memorizing Scripture, walking in faith and giving in faith as well. Your giving is part of your faith walk with God.

If we are going to be the people God has called us to be then we must be generous people. My prayer is that God would bring a culture of generosity where we learn to be people who give in faith.

*When 67-year-old carpenter Russell Herman died in 1994, his will included a staggering set of bequests. Included in his plan for distribution was more than two billion dollars for the City of East St. Louis, another billion and a half for the State of Illinois, two and a half billion for the national forest system, and to top off the list, Herman left six trillion dollars to the government to help pay off ...

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