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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 12
This content is part of a series.

God's Call to Abram Part 2 (24 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 12

Alright, if you're there in Genesis chapter 12, say amen. Alright, if you remember last time we began to look at God's call to Abraham in Genesis, chapter 12 beginning in verse number one and as you come to Genesis, chapter 12, you're really entering into a brand new division in your Bible. The first 11 chapters of Genesis cover about 2,000 years of history in a really rather rapid pace. There's creation, the fall, a genealogy, there's Noah and the flood. By the way, aren't you glad that we finally made it out of Noah and the flood? And there's Noah and the flood, there's a listing of the descendants, the nations from Noah, there's a story of the tower of Babel, then there's another genealogy to take care of the first 2,000 years of civilization and most of the first 11 chapters of Genesis.

And then once you get past that, if you remember I shared with you last week, the pace begins to slow down rather dramatically. It takes the rest of the Old Testament to cover another 2,000 years. It takes the next 13 chapters of Genesis that deals primarily with the life of Abram to cover the next 100 years and so as you begin to look through the life of Abram, that's what we're looking at here, really for the next several, several weeks and months, perhaps, but you're looking at really the life of Abraham. His successes and failures, his obedience and his disobedience, his triumph and his trials, his grace and his guilt, and so as we begin to look through the life of Abraham, we're going to begin to see, really what it means to look like, to walk and to live by faith and I really believe that we'll learn those lessons if we'll just be careful attentive students to the Word of God.

Now you're there in Genesis 12. Let's begin reading in verse 1 together tonight to get our hearts and our minds going all in the same direction. The Bible says, now the LORD had said to Abr ...

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