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JESUS CHRIST's birth was prophetically spoken of years before it
happened. Old Testament prophecy regarding Messiah was His
biography written in advance.
Gen. 12 said He would be a descendant of Abraham.
Gen. 17 said He would be a descendant of Isaac
Gen. 49 said He would be of the tribe of Judah.
Micah 5 said He would be born in Bethlehem.
Dan. 9: 25 told when He would be born.
Isa. 7 said He would be born of a virgin.
Isa. 9:6 gives a listing of names by which He would be known.
These are names that define His nature and describe His role.
One of which is "THE PRINCE OF PEACE."
Peace is one of the most universally sought after conditions in
the world. Events in Eastern Europe have given greater hope for
peace in the cold war than in over 40 years. Nearly 60% of our
military preparedness for war relates to the area of the world
that at this moment seems to offer an opportunity for peace.
In large part advocates for the Prince of Peace have had much to
do with recent developments in Europe.
The churches in West Berlin long ago adopted sister churches in
East Berlin and began praying for what has happened there. The
opening of the wall resulted in a rush into the churches of the
western section for multiple worship services.
Billy Graham preached to over 90,000 in Prague earlier this year
and 27,000 responded to an appeal for a commitment to Christ.
Hopes are high but skepticism is deep. Persons who lived through
the second World War and have observed the long Cold War are
suspicious of th ...

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