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by William Wyne

Scripture: Matthew 26:36, Luke 22:39-44

Strength from Struggles
William Wyne
Matthew 26:36; Luke 22:39-44

Frederick Douglas that great abolitionist whose life without a doubt affirms that strength can be an off spring of struggles, he said, ''Where there is no struggle, there is no progress.'' (Oprah says strength.) However, the one who struggles and becomes strong chose not to be defined by the struggle but by the strength. You must determine that you are not going to be define by mistakes, but by recovering from them. You must decide that it will not be your failures, but your success; not your defeat, but your victory. Do not let the place you messed up be that which defines you; let it be the place where you got it right.

The strong comes to find meaning, purpose, and possibilities through the struggle. And ultimately, the struggle become the very thing that pushed you or picked you up.

The struggle you may be in today just may be that which develops the strength you will need tomorrow.

And it might be comforting and uplifting to know that God sees you in your struggle. Do not forget that - he sees you in your struggle. When God called Moses on the mountain and made him the emancipator of Israel from Egypt, one of things that God instructed Moses to say to the children was this: tell them, that I have seen their afflictions, the struggles of the children of God do not go unnoticed.

We do have a God that allows us to struggle, but he does not turn his ear from us, nor is he blind to us. The old church used to sing that song, ''He knows just how much we can bare.''

So as believers, in your struggles, don't stop talking to Him, do not allow the struggles to cause you to be on ''no speaking terms with God.'' Keep talking to Him, and keep your ears tuned into his frequency so you can hear Him. Because the scripture suggests that if we continue to talk to Him and listen to Him, we just may hear His directions for us in the struggle.

Don't let the volume or the clamor of the strugg ...

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