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by Michael White

Scripture: James 1:9-18
This content is part of a series.

Our Trials and God's Character (1 of 6)
Series: Ever Nearer: A Study in James?
Michael White
James 1:9-18

Statement: I draw near to God in trials by rightly understanding his character

I. God is absolutely holy

II. God is unchangeably good

Intro: I was a sophomore in High School. In was a normal day. I had gotten up for breakfast, gone to school, and I was sitting in my second period biology class, when the principal's voice told us over the loud speaker that terrorists had taken over 2 commercial jets and crashed them into the world trade center.

For the rest of that day classes were cancelled. TV's were brought into the cafeteria and we all watched in grief stricken mesmerized awe and terror as the rest of the events of that fateful day, September 11, 2001 unfolded.

We saw the towers, on live TV, collapse. We saw people literally jumping out the windows to their deaths We saw fiery footage of the plane that had smashed into the side of the pentagon and we heard of the heroism of those who, on a flight from Newark, stopped the terrorists but tragically crashed into the countryside outside of Pittsburg. Nearly 3,000 people died that day.

Since we were only an hour train ride to grand central I knew people whose parents and relatives worked in New York city. I saw tears, agony, I saw people crying and experiencing extreme grief that they had never experienced before.

And I know that all of you who are old enough remember exactly where you where and what you were doing when you first heard of the attack on 911. You remember those images of the towers falling. You watched the news for weeks as information about the attack unfolded. And you felt the pain of tragedy.

There is a biblical term we use to describe the 911's in our lives and it's what TJ spoke about last week. We call them trials, something we all inevitably experience.

And to summarize verses 9-10 of this text you could say trials are the great equalizer. They affect ...

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