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by Michael White

Scripture: James 2:14-26
This content is part of a series.

Real Faith (2 of 6)
Series: Ever Nearer: A Study in James
Michael White
James 2:14-26

There are a number of candidates running for the Republican primary right now. They all say they have conservative values. They claim to be strong on traditional marriage, that if elected they will fight to protect the unborn, and to maintain a strong military. They know that in order to win the primary they have to make these claims to get votes.

Yet, we all know that not all of them are as conservative as they claim to be. And all you have to do is look at their voting record and see what they have supported- or not supported- in the past- to determine whether they are really conservative or not.

We have one guy who has supported partial birth abortion in the past, we have another who rarely seems to be present in congress for votes so we don't even know what his voting record is like, and another guy claims to be an evangelical yet he owns a number of strip clubs.

Of course this isn't just true of republican candidates or even politicians in general. If you want to know what a person is really like it's not always helpful to ask and hear what they say. You're likely to get a much more accurate picture of who they are if you watch what they do. If you can do that then you'll know what they're really like.

What a person is will be proven not by what they say but by what they do. What you do proves who you really are.

The same is true of professing Christians. We live in a country where most people claim to believe in some sort of Christianity. In fact, 83% of Americans claim to be Christian.

There are millions of people who have prayed a prayer during sunday school, walked an aisle at an evangelistic crusade, asked Jesus into their heart- and these are all good things but none of them make you a Christian.

Jesus himself said
21 ''Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven

So the question is how do you know? Is ...

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