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by Michael White

Scripture: James 4:1-12
This content is part of a series.

Spiritual Idolatry (4 of 6)
Series: Ever Nearer: A Study in James
Michael White
James 4:1-12

I want to begin the message this morning with our sermon statement. If we could boil down the whole sermon this morning. If we could compress it into one idea, it is this:

Statement: I draw ever nearer to God when my passion for him is greater than my passion for self.

We are a people of passion. God didn't create us as robots. We're not indifferent to the world. We have opinions, values, ideas. Everyone is passionate about something. There is something that you are good at and you love it.

Now It's not wrong to be passionate about something- we are created to be creatures of passion but If that passion takes the place of preeminence in the throne of your heart. If there is something you treasure the most and it takes the place of God in your life, it becomes your idol.

That's why we worship our idols isn't it? It's not because of what we can do for them. It's because of what they can do for us.

YOu're either passionate about God who is the lord or your life or you're passionate about pleasing yourself because you have devoted all of your energy and focus on an idol that pleases you.

We;ve been studying James now for several weeks. And the main question that James answers is how can I know that I'm a Christian? And there's really not a more important question than that. What does authentic Christianity look like? Is my faith a real living faith or do I have dead faith?

And so in chapter 2 he shows us that living faith produces good works. If you say you are a Christian you are going to live a holy lifestyle. Your faith is going to actively express itself in love for others and in righteous living.

Chapter 3 talks about the tongue. If you know Jesus you are going to honor him with your speech because Out of the heart the mouth speaks. If you are tearing people down with gossip. then you need to evaluate whether or not you are really a Chr ...

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