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by Michael White

Scripture: James 5:13-20
This content is part of a series.

When Praying is Like Breathing (6 of 6)
Series: Ever Nearer: A Study in James
Michael White
James 5:13-20

David Brainard was a man well acquainted with God. In 1738 while attending Yale, he was swept up with the Great Awakening and was soundly converted to Christ.

After college. he pursued ministry and began a small work among the native americans in eastern New York.

And if you are familiar with this man, you know that his life was beset with many difficulties. He lived out in the wilderness and he suffered greatly from a number of health problems including tuberculosis, which would invariably take his life at the young age of 29. He would have fits of coughing, he would vomit blood, and just suffered from an awful melancholy that seemed to plague him throughout his short time on earth.

He only served for 4 years in ministry and saw little fruit as far as converts are concerned but because of his diary, which was later published by Jonathan Edwards 2 years after his death, we know that he was a man of prayer. In fact, his diary and biography have never gone out of print in 250 years because his prayer life had such an impact.

He would write regularly about times of sweetness in prayer to God. And when he wasn't praying, he still longed for it.

On April 17, 1747. ''O I longed to fill the remaining moments all for God! Though my body was so feeble, and wearied with preaching and much private conversation, yet I wanted to sit up all night to do something for God.''

We read of him regularly spending full days in prayer and fasting, spending concentrated time in praising God and interceding for the lost.
?He would seek out friends to pray with, he would pray for the glory and kingdom of Christ, and for his own sanctification.. We read that his knees would become sore and he would be drenched with sweat as he prayed to GOd.

All the while suffering from horrible health problems that would take his life before his 30th birthday.

Joh ...

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