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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Proverbs 1:2-6
This content is part of a series.

Raising Your Kids to Be Money Smart (5 of 6)
Series: Crossfit: Moving from Spiritual Weakness to Spiritual Strength
Scott Maze
Proverbs 1:2-6

We continue a series entitled CrossFit: Moving from Spiritual Weakness to Spiritual Strength. The series is designed to assist parents in making disciples of Christ for the next generation. We've created a website to go along with the series and encourage you to visit this often. We close out the series next week, Father's Day, as we'll put a bow on it.

Focus on the Progression of Discipleship with me for just a moment. Throughout our time together, we've been used the body as the organizing theme for the series: We began by looking at the head three weeks ago. We were there with the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus and witnessed the difference the gospel makes when it moves to the heart. Last week, we witnessed how the gospel moves from the head, to the heart, down to the hands. There's a progression of knowing the truth, loving the truth, and then teaching the truth. Today, I want to show you what to teach your children the truth about money.

Four Traits of Money Smart People

This week I read through the entire book of Proverbs once and marked down every proverb on the saying of money. I could do a series of three or four messages on Proverbs and Money, but I'm narrowing down today to four practices. So each of these four traits will come from God's ancient book of wisdom on Proverbs.

Introducing Proverbs

It's thought that the book of Proverbs started out as a training guide for leaders in ancient Israel. It was written by kings and other wise men in the royal court for the young men in their teens and twenties whose future was to be nobles. Proverbs is a collection of writings from several authors where Solomon authored the most. We are told the purpose of the book in the beginning pages:

To know wisdom and instruction,
to understand words of insight,
3 to receive instruction in wise ...

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