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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Psalm 78:1-8
This content is part of a series.

Remaking Your Home into a Church (6 of 6)
Series: Crossfit: Moving from Spiritual Weakness to Spiritual Strengthit
Scott Maze
Psalm 78:1-8

Today, we close out the series and put a bow on it.
Here's what's next: Eleven 2: We Pray, He Moves I want you to make a special effort to be here for every message in this series. It's so important that we be taught by Jesus how to pray and this should be really good time together.

Happy Father's Day or for the ladies, today is ''National Elbow Your Husband in the Ribs During the Sermon Day'' He's the strongest man in the world and ''my dad can beat up your dad!'' There is a difference between a Bonsai tree, a dwarf of a tree no more than 4 to 6 inches in height, and a California Redwood. California's Redwood can grow to a height of 367 feet and more than 22 feet in width. Here at the end of this series, I want to help parents move their families raising Bonsai trees to Redwood trees.

Too many homes are spiritually and biblically skinny. We need more ''spiritually fat'' homes - we need more meat on the bones! God has designed the home as the place to pass the baton of faith on to the next generation. Our goal is that our church would not turn out people who are shallow in their faith but strong and vibrant for years to come.

Series Introduction

We continue a series entitled CrossFit: Moving from Spiritual Weakness to Spiritual Strength. The series is designed to assist parents in making disciples of Christ for the next generation. We've created a website to go along with the series and encourage you to visit this often.

Throughout our time together, we've been used the body as the organizing theme for the series: We began by looking at the head three weeks ago. We were there with the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus and witnessed the difference the gospel makes when it moves to the heart. Last week, we witnessed how the gospel moves from the head, to the heart, down to the hands. There's a pro ...

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