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ACTS 24: 24 - 25

JESUS CHRIST wants to enable you to have self-control. Do you
want self-control? It is available only to those who dare bring
themselves under His supernatural control.
Understand it clearly. In speaking of self-control I am not
simply referring to will power. That is only a part of true
self-control. Galatians 5: 22, 23 refers to the fruit, that is
the harvest, of the Spirit. The ninth item is self-control. It
is thus depicted as a product of a life under the control of the
Holy Spirit.
To think of exercising self-control apart from the power of God
would be as foolish as an astronaut going into space without the
proper support system. The Lord gives us His Word, His Holy
Spirit, His personal presence, His enabling grace, and His
strength. He then says, "I have given you the tools, now you do
the job," -- show self-control.
One-third of all murders in the United States are in the family.
One half of these are between spouses.
Most battered women remain silent, but 8 million a year report
being beaten by their husband.
A study in Kansas City showed 50% of the women beaten to death
had called the police at least five times.
There are increased incidents of children being violent with
children because of seeing their mother beaten.
Even when physical violence doesn't exist, verbal abuse often
Street violence is minor compared to home violence.
Do you have self-control? Can you listen to a beautiful bird
and not want to cage it? Can you see a beautiful flower and not
want to pick it? Can you see an attracti ...

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