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by Michael White

Scripture: Romans 2:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Warnings for the Religious Part 1 (2 of 19)
Michael White
Romans 2:1-11

What do you think is The largest, fastest growing, and most influential religion today?

It's not Islam. It's not Buddhism. It's not skepticism or atheism. It's not even Christianity.

The largest, fastest growing, and most influential religion is- and has aways been- Moralism.

Moralism- the idea that we can be right with God- on the basis that we are nice people and do good things.

You might think ... if there is a god, of course he will accept me because I do lots of good things.

That's moralism. It's basically the premise of every religion and even many churches preach the Gospel of moralism:

Do good. Live according to their set of values- Go to church, help the poor. Do all of this religious, ''good'' stuff- and you'll be ok.

Moralists often define themselves by what the don't do and it's almost exclusively based on external behavior- not the inner heart condition.

They are different from the people we learned about last week in Romans 1.

Remember chapter 1- We learned how God will judge blatantly immoral irreligious people- People who hate, murder. People who are sexually immoral. God will judge them.

These are the kind of people who suppress the truth about God and reject and blaspheme God.

And the point of all of it is that They are going to get what's coming to them. THey're going to face the wrath of God

And if you are a moralist you look at all the sins listed on chapter 1 and rightly agree,

Here's a hypothetical email you might write to Paul:

Dear Paul,

I have just read the second half Romans 1. I congratulate you on a vigorous, refreshing expose of evil. I agree with you that it is disgusting when people not only behave badly but actually approve of bad behavior. It did me good to read your chapter. You will be glad to know that I for one do not for a moment 'approve of those who practice'' terrible things. On the contrary ...

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