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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: Exodus 3:9-18
This content is part of a series.

Choosing to Hear (9 of 52)
Series: Discipleship Part Three
Christopher B. Harbin
Exodus 3:9-18

More often than we would like, we need help from others. We need people who can fix our cars, install water heaters, treat illnesses, perform audits, fix roofs, resolve computer problems, counsel us through crises, operate power plants, mow yards, answer questions, offer guidance, resolve disputes, or prepare legal contracts. When we feel it is important, we seek out professionals. Whom do we ask for help when we see no solutions to our crises? Who do we think will hear us when we seek help?

We often come to the Hebrew Scriptures with distorted notions of who the people were and their relationship with Yahweh. We understand that Yahweh was the God of Abraham. We often miss that Abraham's descendants had an unsettled relationship with Yahweh. We may know kings like Ahab led the people to worship deities like Baal, but we may miss that in Moses' day the people were not focused much on Yahweh. In the generations between Abraham and Moses the people had worshiped many deities, leaving Yahweh mostly behind. Some worshiped Yahweh, but that was rather hit or miss. Even Isaac and Jacob had not been completely dedicated in their service to Yahweh.

Then we encounter Moses at the burning bush in the uncultivated lands of Midian. Moses had an encounter with Yahweh which seemingly came out of nowhere. He was minding his own business, caring for his father-in-law's sheep, when he saw a bush on fire that was not burning up in the flames. He was intrigued by the mirage and went over to investigate. When he arrived near the bush, Yahweh spoke to him out of those flames, and suddenly the world was transformed around him.

We find Moses in Yahweh's immediate presence. Moses was not quite as certain about what was happening as we tend to portray him. Yahweh clarified who was addressing him, but Moses was more than a little unsure of what was going on. While God identified wit ...

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