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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Resurrection (7 of 8)
Series: Life of Christ
Stephen Whitney
Matthew 28:1-6

In the 1800's there were no telegrams or telephones, but everyone knew that the British General Wellington was facing Napoleon in a great battle and that the future of England was in great uncertainty.

A ship signaled with coded flags the news to the signalman on top of Winchester Cathedral. He signaled to another man on a hill and the news of the battle was relayed from one station to another until it reached London and across all of England.

The signalman on the ship signaled the first word: Wellington. The next word was defeated and then the fog came in and the ship would not be seen. ''Wellington Defeated'' went across England, and there was great gloom throughout the whole county. After three hours the fog lifted and the whole message came: Wellington defeated the enemy. Then all of England rejoiced.

There was that Friday when they took the body of Jesus down from the cross and put it in a tomb. The message appeared to be Christ defeated . . . But three days later, the fog lifted and he came victoriously out of the tomb having defeated death.

Our Christian faith is based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:17 If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile (useless or worthless) and you are still in your sins.

Puritan Thomas Adams - ''Christ's resurrection did justify his death. His resurrection is not only the object of our faith, but the example of our hope . . . the place where they laid him, that is empty . . . he is personally now in heaven.''

DIVINE INTERVENTION - Open tomb :1-4 Sunday :1 The first day of the week - Sunday after the Sabbath day of rest. The woman kept the Sabbath as they had always done, not working but resting as the OT law commanded that they do.

Toward dawn - they came as soon as they could legally come as the sun rose about 6 am and the day after the Sabbath began.

Mary Magdalene - Jesus had cast out ...

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