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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
This content is part of a series.

Transfiguration (4 of 8)
Series: Life of Christ
Stephen Whitney
Luke 9:28-36

There are four accounts of the life of Jesus in the gospels, but no description of what he looked like. Nothing is said about how tall was he or what were the color of his eyes, or his hair. What he looked like was not as important as divine character which is described in a different way in each of the gospels.

The classic picture of Jesus with long hair and a beard is portrayed through paintings, sculptures, crucifixes and movies. It is an image that has been invented by artists and filmmakers. Instead of having long hair, Jesus would have had short hair. Instead of having pale skin, He would have had a tanned complexion. Instead of being thin and fragile, He would have been masculine and strong.

Secular history records, ''The early Church had always been strict in forbidding the adoration of images and therefore did not want Christ's face to be memorable'' (Claudine Chavannes-Mazel, ''Popular Belief and the Image of the Beardless Christ,'' Visual Resources, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 29). It is clear from scriptural and historical evidence that the early Church had no images of Christ.

Maybe we don't have any pictures of Jesus because we would we tend to worship his appearance instead of worshipping his person.

Background :20-27 Peter's confession :18-20 Christ - Greek word for the Hebrew word Messiah. Over the past two years Peter had come to clearly believe that Jesus was the OT promised Messiah they had been waiting for.

Jesus' announcement :21-22 Even though he was the promised Messiah and deliver he would be rejected as the Messiah by the religious leaders and be killed, but he would rise from the dead after three days. That would have been confusing to the disciples who believed the Messiah would reign as king over the nation. It didn't make sense to them. Jesus's prediction :27 As Jesus talked to those who followed him, he said some of them would not die until t ...

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