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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: John 1:14
This content is part of a series.

Incarnation (1 of 8)
Series: Life of Christ
Stephen Whitney
John 1:14

In the 1990 Academy Award for Best Picture Dances with Wolves, Kevin Costner played the role of Army First Llieutenant John Dunbar who travels to the Dakota military post Fort Sedgwick. When he arrives, the place is deserted and rundown. Despite the threat of nearby Native American tribes, he decides to stay and man the post himself so he begins rebuilding and restocking it.

He initially encounters his Lakota Sioux Indian neighbors when several attempts are made to steal his horse and intimidate him. In response, he decides to seek out the Sioux camp in an attempt to establish a dialogue. Over time as he came to know them, he came to appreciate their culture and respect their traditions which he longed to tell them, but he couldn't because he didn't speak their language.

Ultimately, the only way for him to relate to the Lakota people was to become one of them. So, he abandoned his military uniform and dressed as they dressed. He learned their traditions and he danced as they danced. He learned their language and spoke as they spoke.

He became one of them so he that could then relate to them.

God wanted to communicate his love for us, so he became one of us. He left his throne in heaven and took on the form of a man. He dressed as we dressed and ate as we ate. He used our culture and language to tell us that God loved us.

Philip Yancey in Where Is God When It Hurts - ''In the O.T. God's interventions were the exception, not the rule. One need only read the bloody history of persecuted prophets and godly men to realize that God intervened rarely. With the coming of Jesus, something unprecedented and unfathomable took place. God fully entered human history. He was no longer 'out there' sometimes dipping into history to change things. He suddenly resided in the body of a human on planet earth.''

INCARNATION - Jesus became a man Flesh God is spirit (4:24) and therefore ...

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