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by Nelson Price

Scripture: I PETER 5:6-11

I PETER 5: 6 - 11
JESUS CHRIST learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
What are you learning from the things you are suffering?
God had only one Son and not even He was exempted from
suffering. Scripture and experience let's us know none of us
will be either.
We cannot solve the mystery of our suffering until we solve the
mystery of His suffering. To live victoriously in a world of
adversity and suffering, Peter suggests three things:
I. IT TAKES A RELATIONSHIP (Verse 10a & 6,7)
God the Father has "called us to His eternal glory by Christ
Jesus..." (Verse 10). Even those who answer His call and follow
Him with the greatest zeal suffer. Sometimes this suffering is
physical. Often it is mental or emotional anguish. How we
interpret it and respond to it is significant.
The Father has "called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus"
CALLED means summonsed.
BY CHRIST JESUS means in the sphere of Christ. Upon receiving
Christ as Savior, you enter into a special sphere. It is union
with Christ. This vital union should result in a different
life-style, set of values, and outlook on life.

A. Humble Yourself
The appeal is to "humble yourselves". Be submissive to the
suffering God is allowing in order for you to be humble.
We are to be "clothed with humility" (Verse 5). It pictures the
same act as the expression used of Christ in the upper room when
He did "gird up His loins". It meant to get ready to serve.
This is an appeal to let humility be a working virtue.
B. Cast Your Cares On Him
"Deposit all your cares with Him."

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