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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 9

Noah's Shipwreck-Part 1 (20 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 9

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, if you will be finding your place at Genesis, chapter nine; the very end of Genesis, chapter nine. And tonight we are continuing in a series of messages through this first book in your Bible that we've entitled ''The Book of Beginnings''.

Tonight as we look in Genesis, chapter 9, verse 18, we see the story of Noah and his family move, really, what you would call from the graves of the rainbow into the shadow of sin. And we see in these verses tonight presented before us, the shameful action of a man who's considered one of the greatest men in all of the Bible. So tonight, what I want to do is I want to share with you a very simple message that I prayed would be a little bit simpler and a little bit shorter, but I was unable to do that for you this evening. And there's just too much going on here; it's too important to just gloss over and say, ''Well, just catch this and you just catch it up next time.'' No, we're going to just take care of business like we need to tonight. But tonight, I want to talk to you about Noah's shipwreck.

Over the past week, I've been preparing, praying over this message for this evening, and as I was going through these verses, and really, the idea of Noah's shipwreck, I thought back to one of the sermons that my Dad has preached for probably 30 years, maybe even longer than that. It's a very simple point of his sermon entitled ''Getting Home Before Dark''. And in that sermon, my Dad would talk about being a young man being raised in the hills and hollers of east Tennessee, and how he would come home after school, and he would head out into the mountains to play. And his mom and later on his grandmother, would holler out to him and say, ''Hey, Dod, Dod, make sure ... have fun, be safe out there, be safe; but whatever you do, make sure you get home before dark.'' Truly a simple illu ...

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