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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 6
This content is part of a series.

Come Into the Ark-Part 2 (17 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 6

If you have your Bibles with you tonight, be finding your place once again at Genesis chapter six. Tonight we are picking up in a study where we left off last time we were together here on Sunday night. We've been in a series of studies over the last several months in this beginning book of the Bible that we've entitled ''The Book of Beginnings.''

What we're doing in this series of studies is we are really going through the first book of the Bible, maybe not verse by verse, but theme by theme, chapter by chapter. We're looking at creation, flood, fall and, of course, the covenant ... or creation, fall, flood, and covenant. Today, we're going back to Genesis chapter six, picking up in verse number one. Now as I mentioned a moment ago, in a study that we began the last time we were together ... And let me just say this right here, aren't you glad tonight, that God did not send the deluge like he did the last time we were in Genesis chapter six. Amen?

Of course, if we had had the deluge, we might have a better crowd than we have tonight, and so we can pray for that next time. Somebody said last time we were together, they said, ''Pastor, after what happened when you preached on the flood, don't preach on Hell.'' And so we're back in Genesis chapter six. I love this book, and I hope that you're being blessed as I am. So far in our series of studies through this beginning book of the Bible ... If you'll remember, we started there in Creation where God in the beginning created everything that is out of nothing that was. It is bara ex nihilo: creation out of nothing.

And then we saw him create all the sun, the moon, the stars, heap up the mountains, scoop out the valleys, create all the planet and animal life. And there in the crowning creation, he created man. Then we also noticed that, after he had created man, he noticed that it was not good that man should ...

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