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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 6
This content is part of a series.

Come Into the Ark-Part 1 (16 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 6

All right, take your Bibles now this evening. Be finding your place at Genesis, Chapter 6, if you will. Genesis Chapter 6 tonight. For our guests, we've been in a series of studies for the last several months through this beginning book in the Bible that we know as the book of Genesis. We've entitled this simple series of studies, Genesis: The Book of Beginnings.

If you'll take your Bibles, go back to Genesis Chapter 1. Hold your place here in Genesis Chapter Six. If you'll begin there in Genesis Chapter 1, we've seen how God created everything out of nothing, how he made the moon, the sun, the stars, the universe and all those sorts of things. He created the earth and animals and all those that are in them.

Then, when you get to Genesis Chapter 2, we see him creating man and woman. We've been there on Sunday mornings and Sunday night for the last several weeks, and I pray that you guys have finally gotten that. You move into Genesis Chapter 3, and we see the temptation and fall of man. We see in Genesis 4, Cain murders Abel. There, at the end of Genesis 4, we have the family of Cain.

If you'll remember, there was a guy by the name of Lamech who killed a man just for a mirror wound, and then last week we talked about in Genesis Chapter 5, after all of those deaths, and all those coffins, and all those sorts of things, a man by the name of Enoch who, the Bible says, Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.

That brings us tonight to Genesis Chapter 6. What I want to do now is to share with you, as you heard this morning, a simple message that I want to entitle, ''Come into the Ark.'' I hate for us tonight to be talking about Noah and the flood with the deluge that we have going on around us. But really, this is one of the most interesting and fascinating and familiar stories in all of the Old Testament.

I would imagine that every s ...

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