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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 1 Kings 15, 1 Kings 16, 1 Kings 17
This content is part of a series.

Learning in Judges: Week 15 (15 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
1 Kings 15 - 17

''Thumbs and Toes''

Title: ''Shock and Awe''
Theme: ''One of the oddest stories in the bible''
Text: ''Judges 1: 1 - 8''

I - The Death of Joshua (Judges 1: 1)
II - The Designation of Judah (Judges 1: 2 - 5)
III - The Debacle of Jerusalem (Judges 1: 6 - 8)

In the opening of the book of Judges, the nation of Israel is about to embark upon a new manner of living and leadership. The people would no longer enjoy the leadership of Moses or Joshua, but God would appoint certain Judges over the nation that would lead them for various periods of time.

The people are searching for direction and the Lord places his hand upon the tribe of Judah to lead the nation in battling the Canaanites. The tribe of Judah was up to the task, but they in turn asked is the tribe of Simeon would join in and help them to defeat the Canaanites, which they readily accepted.

The tribes wasted no time in conquering ten thousand soldiers of the Canaanites and the Perizzites. The Lord had chosen Judah to lead this charge and in choosing him, the Lord in turn empowered him. We can depend upon the power and presence of the Lord if he taps us for a specific task.

As the battle ensued the king of Bezek fled, but in a matter of time they caught him. The kings name was Adonibezek and he obviously was a man of mighty military prowess. The text says that he had overtaken seventy other kings and had cut off their thumbs and big toes.

Upon overtaking this king, Judah and his men took the king and cut of his thumbs and his big toes. This is one of the oddest stories in the bible and we must ask ourselves what was the purpose of inflicting these types of injuries upon this king.

The idea is very simple, in cutting off a person's thumbs, it rendered him useless in fighting and in cutting off his big toes, it rendered him useless in fleeing. Once this was done to a king, thos ...

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