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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 5
This content is part of a series.

The Wonderful, Winning Walk (15 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 5

Well, if you have your bibles with you this evening, you'll be finding your place at Genesis 5, just like I mentioned this morning. Tonight, I want to talk to you for just a few moments ... well, actually not a few. I'm going to try to get all done that I can. From Genesis 5, on the wonderful winning walk. Those of you who were here, over the last several Sunday nights, we've been looking at a little bit different kind of walk than we're going to be looking at tonight. We worked our way through Genesis 4, if you'll remember. We talked about walking the way of Cain.

We talked about the fact that the church today, many churches, most likely even this church here tonight has many, many people in it. Good people, but people who are trying to get to God by their good works. It would absolutely surprise you, maybe not, but it would actually surprise you that when you begin to ask people, ''Do you know if you were to die that you'd go to Heaven?'' ''Yes.'' ''How do you know?'' ''Because I'm a good person. I try to live by The Golden Rule. I pay my taxes, I don't lie, cheat or steal. I try to be a good person.''

So we have people all across this planet, many of them sitting in church pews even tonight who are trying to get to God by their good works. They're trying to get to God by religion and ritual, retain maybe even their own self-righteousness. But here's what I want you to understand. If you try to get to God through any other way than the blood of Jesus Christ, His grace and His mercy, one of these days, God is going to look at you and He's going to say, ''Woe to you, for you have gone in the way of Cain.'' That's what we've been looking at here over the last several Sunday nights.

Now, here in Genesis 5, we're going to sort of make a little bit of a shift tonight, because unto this point, we've really been for the most part talking about life. Until y ...

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