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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 4
This content is part of a series.

The First Murder (13 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 4

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, if you will, be finding your place once again at the very first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis. Tonight we are continuing in our series of studies through this beginning book of the Bible that we've entitled, it happens to be, The Book of Beginnings. The reason why we have given this series of studies that particular title, is because that is exactly what the word genesis means. It is the Hebrew word, bereshith. It is a word that simply means beginning. By the way, where's brother John? I told him before the sermon, I said, ''Hey, when you pronounce that Hebrew word, you've gotta be careful trying to pronounce it, because it doesn't pronounce the way it looks, and it'll get you in trouble. Amen? Hello? It's the word that means beginnings, and it comes from that very first word in the very first verse of the very first book in your Bible, verse number 1, ''in the beginning,'' and so that's where the title comes from.

Genesis. Since it is the first book of the Bible and it is the book of beginnings, you would naturally expect, and you are right, to find many of the firsts there. We've been looking at and studying some of these over the last several months as we've been going through this beginning book. In Genesis 1, we're told about the first man. In Genesis 2, we're told about the first marriage. By the way, I really hope whichever one of you has not gotten down the lesson from Genesis, chapter 2, I pray that this morning and tonight you've gotten it, so we can move on. Amen? Genesis 1 is the first man. Genesis 2 is the first marriage. Genesis 3, if you remember last time, was the first mistake.

Tonight as we come to Genesis, chapter 4, we're going to be learning a few more first things. We're going to see the first mother. Her name happened to be Eve. The first murderer. His name happened to be Cain, and ...

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