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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 21, 1 Samuel 22, 1 Samuel 23, 1 Samuel 24
This content is part of a series.

Jewels in Joshua: Week 14 (14 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
1 Samuel 21 - 24

''Ephraim Complaining''

Title: ''Putting One's Money Where One's Mouth Is''
Text: ''Joshua 17: 14 - 18''

I - The Foolish Complaint (14)
II - The Forceful Charge (15)
III - The Futile Conversation (16)
IV - The Favorable Conditions (17 - 18)

Theme: ''Joshua refuses to listen to Ephraim's excuses''

There is some debate as to exactly who is speaking to Joshua in this passage, but regardless of this debate, Joshua was one of them, being of the son's of Joseph himself. The little tribes here are talking out of both sides of their mouths here as they discuss how large they are on one hand, but how they cannot overcome the Canaanites on the other hand.

Joshua is not going to concede on his allotment of land to Manasseh and Ephraim, because the land that they possessed encompassed 55 miles by 70 miles, which was well within the range of all the other tribes by size.

Joshua tells them that he has no doubt as to their greatness and did not debate this assessment, but he rather charges them to get up into the hill country and overtake the inhabitants of the land and then set up home in this land. He has no doubt that they are well able to possess this area of land.

The sons of Joseph wanted Joshua to give them a parcel of land that was easy for the taking and would not take much effort. The people wanted to take the easy way out and Joshua was having no part of it.

He clearly tells them to get up into the high country and to stop making deals with the Canaanites. The sons of Joseph had failed to wholly drive out the Canaanites, but allowed them to dwell in their midst as long as they paid their tribute money.

Joshua encourages them to boldly head back up into the hill country and to overcome the Canaanites. He knows that they are fully capable and that with the help of God, they could overtake the enemy. Those of us that are making d ...

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