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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Galatians 4:12-20
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Sorting out Ministry Gremlins (11)
Series: Galatians
Robert Dawson
Galatians 4:12-20

I don't believe in ghosts, vampires or werewolves but I have started to believe in gremlins, those ''mischievous sprites who are responsible for unexplained problems, especially mechanical, structural or electronic ones.'' I believe because I don't have any other explanation as for why something is working today and then tomorrow it is broken beyond repair. It seems to happen quite often at our house.

No one used it. No one touched. No one looked at it or breathed on it since the day before when it worked perfectly but now is broken. Why? What happened? Gremlins! Since I'm not good with science, construction, technology or mechanical motors and gadgets, it's the only explanation I've got. Gremlins!

I'd imagine that Paul felt a little like that in dealing with some of the NT churches, especially the ones in Southern Galatia and we could probably throw in the one in Corinth. He's there one day, preaching, people are getting saved, people are growing in their faith, God moves Him to another place of ministry and then over a very short period everything and everyone is out of alignment. What happened? Gremlins!

That's probably not far from the truth. In the spiritual realm, there are always unseen spiritual forces at work behind the scenes gumming up the progress of Gospel ministry. Like...

- Satan and all his minions who seek to persecute the Church or corrupt the Gospel message and derail ministry.
- World system that has aligned itself against the things of God.
- Sinful bent that resides in all of us that expresses itself in pride, self-preservation and self-exaltation.

In his attempts to right what has gone wrong, Paul has taken on the role of...
- Debater, scholar and historian.
- Theologian, apologists and at times polemic.

Here, in the verses we are about to read, we get an inside look at the personal relationship and history that exists between P ...

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