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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Ruth 1, Ruth 2, Ruth 3, Ruth 4
This content is part of a series.

Jostling in Joshua: Week 13 (13 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Ruth 1 - 4

''Ai - Round Two''

Title: ''The Second Time Around''
Theme: ''Israel once again attacks Ai, with a mighty assault''
Text: ''Joshua 8: 1 - 35''

I - The Assurance (Joshua 8: 1 - 2)
II - The Attack (Joshua 8: 3 - 18)
III - The Ambush (Joshua 8: 19 - 20)
IV - The Annihilation (Joshua 8: 21 - 29)
V - The Altar (Joshua 8: 30 - 33)
VI - The Aftermath (Joshua 8: 34 - 35)

Joshua and the ''Children of Israel'' had diligently dealt with the sin of Achan and the Lord was now ready to allow them to overtake the city of Ai. The first encounter did not go as expected and 37 Jewish soldiers died on the battlefield.

This time around that were assured by the Lord that victory was on the horizon, all they needed to do was follow the directions of Joshua. This time around they would not march into battle on their own accord, but they would march in the name of the Lord their God.

The first time they marched upon Ai with 300 soldiers, this time around they were 30,000 plus and there would be no retreating, nor any prisoners. The soldiers would act as if they were afraid of the people of Ai, but in reality they were merely setting them up.

Once the soldiers of Ai had left their city, the city was ambushed by a rear guard that had been hidden. Once the battle began, Joshua would hold up his spear and did not let it down until the battle was completed.

Ultimately 12,000 men and women were slain and Israel was on the path of victory after victory. The King of Ai was also slain and left hanging until the setting of the sun, and then he was taken down.

Once the war was over, Joshua built and altar and there they sacrificed before the Lord and he wrote the ''Law of Moses: upon those stones. Then he read the word of God in the presence of all of the people. Nobody was exempt from listening to the word of God, therefore showing its importance to all.

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