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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-18
This content is part of a series.

Journey's In Joshua: Week 12 (12 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Joshua 1: 1 - 18

''Joshua Leading''

Title: ''Moses Is Dead, Now What?''?Theme: ''Joshua will now take over as the leader''
Text: ''Joshua 1: 1 - 18''

I - The Passing (Joshua 1: 1 - 2)
II - The Promise (Joshua 1: 3 - 4)
III - The Protector (Joshua 1: 5)
IV - The Prompter (Joshua 1: 6 - 7, 9)
V - The Precepts (Joshua 1: 8)
VI - The Preparation (Joshua 1: 10 - 11)
VII - The Prompting (Joshua 1: 12 - 18)

In the last chapter of Deuteronomy, we find Moses climbing the mountain of Nebo and in particular the mountainous peak of Nebo, and from there he looked over into the ''Promised Land.''

The Lord had banned his servant from crossing over into ''Canaan'' and upon his death, Moses was buried somewhere in the valley of Moab, But Israel was not allowed to know where his burial place might have been.

The ''Children of Israel'' wept and mourned over the death of Moses. Before dying Moses had laid his hands upon his predecessor and now Israel was going to have to accept the transition. Moses was a prophet, but much more than a prophet, because the bible says that there has never been another prophet like Moses, one that knew God face to face.

Israel is still camped on the wilderness side of Jordan, but in a matter of days that is going to change. The Lord talks to Joshua and assures him that nothing has changed just because Moses has died.

We all need to realize that the plan of God does not end upon the death of any person. The church is not built upon any man; no preacher, no deacon, and no singer, there are no such thing as irreplaceable church members, though there are many that think otherwise. The church will go onwards, despite people coming and going. Joshua had been in training for many years and due to the meekness of Moses, he had received the proper mentoring. It is wonderful to see those that are not afraid to invest in other people.


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