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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Deuteronomy 17, Deuteronomy 18, Deuteronomy 19, Deuteronomy 20
This content is part of a series.

Escapades in Exodus: Week 10 (10 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Deuteronomy 17 - 20

''Mount Sinai''

Title: ''Fire on the Mountain''
Theme: ''An up close and personal encounter with God''
Text: ''Exodus 19: 1 - 25''

I - The Revelation (Exodus 19: 1 - 6)
II - The Report (Exodus 19: 7)
III - The Response (Exodus 19: 8)
IV - The Relationship (Exodus 19: 9)
V - The Readiness (Exodus 19: 10 - 11)
VI - The Reverence (Exodus 19: 12 - 13)
VII - The Revealing (Exodus 19: 14 - 25)

The ''House of Jacob'' or the ''Children of Israel'' are now into the third month since leaving the ''Land of Egypt.'' They have been wandering around in the wilderness and now they have pitched their tents at the base of the mount. This mount was none other than ''Mount Sinai'' the ''Mount of God.''

Moses goes up onto the mount and stands before the Lord. While he is there the Lord has a word of remembrance for the people. Moses is to remind the ''House of Jacob'' about how God delivered them out of the hands of Pharaoh.

There is much to be made of reminding ourselves as to the goodness and greatness of God in our lives. God had sent the ten plaques upon the Egyptians, then he delivered them at the Red Sea, and upon coming to the bitter waters of Marah, he once again done the miraculous. Later on the Lord sent them manna and quail to eat, but Israel would soon forget.

The Lord wanted the entire nation to understand that he willingly met with his servant Moses and they were to fully cooperate with him and follow his leadership. Ultimately this would be the downfall of the nation, because they were too rebellious to be subservient.

The Lord gave Moses specific instructions pertaining to Israel being sanctified. Then he revealed himself upon the ''Holy Mount'' with thundering, lightening, and the ''Thick Glory Cloud.'' As the people stood before the mount in humble reverence the mount began to burn as the Lord descended upon it in fire. ...

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