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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Numbers 35, Numbers 36
This content is part of a series.

Excursions in Exodus: Week 9 (9 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Numbers 35-36

''The Miracle of the Manna''

Title: ''Murmuring and Manna''
Theme: ''Israel murmured and God sent manna, at a high price''
Text: ''Exodus 16: 1 - 8''

I - The Time Mentioned (Exodus 16: 1)
II - The Third Murmuring (Exodus 16: 2 - 3)
III - The Timely Manna (Exodus 16: 4)
IV - The Testy Mandate (Exodus 16: 5)
V - The Tragic Manifestation (Exodus 16: 6 - 8)

God is very interested in numbers, enough that he added a book in the bible with that name. Israel had now been traveling for one entire month, since the day that they left the ''Land of Egypt.''

The ''Children of Israel'' had murmured at the Red Sea, they had murmured at the bitter waters of Marah, and now they have murmured for the third time. These murmurings will eventually being the straw that breaks the camel's back and they will have to wander in the wilderness for forty years. Most of this crowd will never see the Promised Land; due to God will kill them off.

The murmuring was directed at Moses and Aaron, but later we will see that God says that it was directed at him!!! These stiff-necked rebellious rabble rousers had the gall to complain about food, after all that the Lord had already done to prove that he would provide for them. I am shocked that God did not wipe this entire nation out and begin anew with another group of people.

God informed Moses that he would rain bread down from heaven and they would have so much bread to eat that they would become sick of eating bread. All of this was done to prove that they really were nothing more than a bunch of faithless, fleshly, carnal backsliders.

The manna had to be collected day by day and a double portion on the sixth day. Then the Lord reveals that Moses and Aaron were merely mouthpieces and vessels for his use. The complaints that were being lodged against his men were in reality directed solely at the Lord. We best be ...

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