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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Numbers 18, Numbers 19, Numbers 20
This content is part of a series.

Encounters in Exodus: Week 8 (8 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Numbers 18-20

''The Passover Observance''

Title: ''The Midnight Massacre''
Theme: ''The night the 'Death Angel' visited the land of Egypt''
Text: ''Exodus 12: 1 - 30''

I - The Speaking of the Lord (Exodus 12: 1 - 2)
II - The Selecting of the Lamb (Exodus 12: 3 - 6)
III - The Shunning of the Leavened (Exodus 12: 15, 17 - 20)
IV - The Striking of the Lintel (Exodus 12: 7, 22 - 23)
V - The Slaying of the Land (Exodus 12: 29 - 30)

The Land of Egypt had literally been destroyed by the ten plagues, according to chapter ten. The servants of Pharaoh implored him to release the Jews, but God had already hardened his heart and he was not quite ready to comply.

In chapter twelve, the Lord is going to speak to Moses and give him the specifications as to the Passover, the preparation involved, the selecting of the sacrificial lambs, the shunning of the unleavened bread, the striking of the shed blood upon the lintel of the doors, and the sending forth of the angel.

Israel had been in captivity for around 430 years and they were ready to leave the Land of Egypt, but preparations were to be made and holy ordinances were to be observed. God does not move without sanctifying his vessels and he is going to ensure that Israel is prepared for the journey.

The Jews were to select a lamb, then they were to set the lamb aside and watch it, but after a specified amount of days, they were to kill the lamb, then eat the lamb, and take its blood and place it over the entrance into their homes. The Jews would slay the precious blood of a lamb and they would be protected.

The Egyptians were not as fortunate due to they never offered up a lamb and therefore they were not protected by the ''Blood of the Lamb.'' The ''Death Angel'' was sent precisely at the stroke of midnight, and upon his arrival there was wailing and weeping throughout the Land of Egypt, beginning in the ...

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