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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Numbers 3, Numbers 4
This content is part of a series.

Events in Exodus: Week 7
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Numbers 3 - 4

''Birth of Moses''

Title: ''The Special Son''
Theme: ''Moses was protected and preserved because he was special''
Text: ''Exodus 1: 12, Exodus 2: 1 - 10''

I - The Deadly Decree (Exodus 1: 22)
II - The Decisive Decision (Exodus 2: 1 - 2)
III - The Divine Deliverance (Exodus 2: 3 - 6)
IV - The Dual Domestication (Exodus 2: 7 - 10)

Israel had gone down to Egypt at the beckoning of Joseph. On his way to Egypt, we find Israel offering up a sacrifice to the Lord at Beersheba. It was there that the Lord assured him that he was doing right in going down to Egypt, because while there the Lord would make them into a great nation.

Isn't it amazing how the Lord allowed this small entourage of Jews to meekly set up their abode in Egypt and in a period of 400 years, he turned them into a might nation of possibly over 2 ½ million Jews.

In time the old Pharaoh's had died out and the current one had no idea as to who Joseph was or as to how he had saved their country from disaster. The current Pharaoh had placed a heavy load upon the Jews and they were struggling just to survive his oppression and persecution.

The Jews were growing at an astronomical rate so Pharaoh demands that all the males be slain at birth. This edict was denied by the midwives and they kept on growing. Finally he gives the decree to kill all the males by throwing them into the Nile River.

The parents of Moses end up having a male child and immediately they know that the boy is special, so they hide him for 3 months, but after those three months they have to do something or they might be caught.

The family of Moses builds him a little ark and they hide him inside it and place him in the Nile River. The sister of Moses stands back and watches, hoping to see that her brother is somehow saved. The daughter of the King comes to the river and rescues the baby boy. Moses ends up getting the be ...

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