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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 3
This content is part of a series.

The Beginning of Sin, Part 1 (10 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 3

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, be finding your place at the very beginning book in your Bible, the book of Genesis, the very first book in your Bible. If you have a Bible and Genesis is not in there, well, you've got the wrong Bible, amen? Genesis chapter 3 tonight as we continue in our series of studies through this beginning book of the Bible that we've entitled The Book of Beginnings. Tonight what I want us to do, as I mentioned this morning, is I want us to look at the beginning of sin. When did sin begin?

Whenever I preach about sin, it reminds me a lot of what Brother Tommy said at the beginning of this evening's service. When I was pastoring my very first church out in the hinterlands of west Tennessee, we had a little small church out there. We went there the first Sunday; they had 36 people counting babies, dogs, cats - well, not cats. Babies, dogs, everybody else that was there, 36 people our first Sunday morning. We had a minister of music named Clark Inman. Clark and his wife Alicia sang at our wedding. We love the Inmans. But every Sunday morning I would walk in and Clark would look at me, and he would say, ''Preacher, what are you preaching on today?'' I would say, ''Sin.'' He would always look at me and say, ''Are we for it or again' it?''

Calvin Coolidge, the former President of the United States, wasn't really known as what you might call a church-going man. One Sunday, he ended up going to church. When he got home, he told his wife what had happened and how he had ended up going to church, and his wife asked him, ''Well, what did the preacher preach on?'' He said, ''Sin.'' She said, ''What did he say about it?'' He said, ''I think he was against it.'' Amen?

Well, Genesis chapter 3 answers just about any question that you could possibly ask about sin as it relates to mankind. For example, when did sin begin? The B ...

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