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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 2
This content is part of a series.

The First Marriage (9 of 64)
Series:The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 2

If you have your Bibles, if you'll be finding your place at the very first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis, Chapter number two. While you're finding your place there, one last thing as a way of housekeeping matters. I got a little notice from Todd Starnes before we came down tonight, and he said this right here; he said, ''The liberals watch your broadcast.'' So, we have already made it out onto all the crazy news and websites, and so they're talking about how backward and hickish and intolerant we are.

If they thought last Sunday morning was intolerant and hickish, they would really love what I'm going to say tonight. You pray for us and I pray that God bless us tonight.

Genesis, chapter two. If you're our guest tonight, we've been in a series of studies, really for the last several months through this beginning book of the Bible. In this beginning book of the Bible, we are told about the beginning of so very, very many things. When you come to Genesis chapter one, beginning in verse one, we are told about the beginning of time and history. There never was time, there never was history until God said, ''Let it begin. Let it start.''

We're told about the beginning of the universe. We're told about the beginning of our planet. We're told about the beginning of mankind, of the family, of worship. We're told about the beginning of sin and death. We're told about the beginning of redemption and prophecy. In this beginning book of the Bible, there is what is known as the proto-evangelium. It is the first Gospel where the Lord tells Adam ... he talks about the serpent. He talks about the wife. He talks about how there's going to come One, one day, born of a woman and where the serpent will bruise his heel but this One that is to come, will bruise the serpent's head.

It is the very first indication, if you will, prophecy, of the fact that one of these days ...

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