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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 2
This content is part of a series.

What Can We Learn From a Garden? Part 2 (8 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 2

All right, if you have your Bibles with you now again this evening, be finding your place in the very first book in your Bible, the Book of Genesis. We have been in a series of studies the last several months and we plan on being there for the next several, several months through this beginning book in the Bible, the Book of Genesis.

We've entitled this simple series of studies, The Book of Beginnings. The reason for that is, if you're new with us tonight, simply because the Book of Genesis tells us about the beginning of so very, very many things. We began as we open up the pages of Genesis chapter one and verse number one; we see God creating everything that is out of nothing that was. We see God coming there and creating the light and even darkness and so all those things. We saw God begin the clock of time and space, the beginnings of the heavens and the earth, the beginning of plant life and animal life - the beginning. We saw the rivers began to flow and the waves that many of you are just so desperately waiting to get to see crashing on the beach begin to crash upon the shores of this world. We've seen all those things, and then we saw where God created Adam and man out of the dust of the ground.

We're going to begin looking at that in a little bit more detail in the next couple of weeks. Tonight we're back in Genesis chapter two, and verse number eight. Look there. Let me just read this first verse or two as a way of introduction, getting us back into last week's message. The Bible says that, ''The Lord God planted a garden.'' How many of you all had never noticed that before? That it says, ''The Lord God planted a garden.'' It's kind of an amazing thing when you think about the fact that when God wanted there to be light, he just said, ''Let there be light.'' Yet, here it says here that the Lord planted a garden. I understand that to m ...

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