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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 2
This content is part of a series.

What Can We Learn from a Garden? Part 1 (7 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 2

If you have your Bibles with you now, this evening, if you will, be finding your place once again at the very first Book in your Bible. We are journeying through the Book of Genesis here on Sunday evenings at Abilene in a study that we have entitled The Book of Beginnings. The Book of Genesis isn't just given that name because it is located at the beginning of your Bible, although it is. It is given that title because in these opening chapters in the pages of the Word of God, we are told about the beginnings of so very many things.

So far, if you'll remember in our study, we have seen God begin the clock of time and space. We've seen the beginning of the heavens and the earth. We've seen the beginning of plant life and animal life. We've seen the rivers begin to flow and the waves begin to crash upon the seashores of this new planet. If you remember the last time that we were together, we saw the beginning of human life. As you come to Genesis, chapter 2, what you're going to begin to notice is that Moses begins to tighten the lens on his telescope, if you will, and he begins to give us a more minute and specific, and really, the specific details of how God created man and woman in the gorgeous garden that they lived in.

What I want to do tonight as a way of introduction is, I want to begin reading at verse 4, because we left off last time at the end of verse 3, and I want us to read together down through about verse number 17 tonight. The Bible says in Genesis 2, beginning in verse number 4 ... Now watch this. It's very, very important, and I had somebody ask me a question the other night about really what is going on here in these verses. I'll explain them as we go through them. In verse 4, the Bible says that this is the history of the heavens and the earth.

Let me stop right there for a second. If you remember last time we were together, ...

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