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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis 1
This content is part of a series.

When God Took a Break (6 of 64)
Series: The Book of Beginnings Series
Brad Whitt
Genesis 1

If you have your Bibles with you now this evening, if you will be finding your place back at the very first book in your Bible, the book of Genesis. Tonight we are picking back up in our series of studies that we've entitled The Book of Beginnings. What we're doing, if you're our guest tonight, what we are doing in this simple series of studies is we are simply walking our way, working our way through this beginning book of the Bible, and we are looking at, and we are learning about, from really all the beginnings that are found here.

For example, so far in our series of studies we have learned about the beginning of time and space. Before Genesis 1:1, nothing else existed. Matter wasn't there. Man wasn't there. It was simply God enjoying the praise and adoration of the angels, and fellowship and relationship within the godhead. We've also learned, if you'll remember, about the beginning of the universe and this world that we live in. That's Genesis 1:1. If you have your Bibles open there, the Bible says, ''In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.''

We've also learned about how God created vegetation, turned this whole world into a wonderful, beautiful garden. We learned about how God put a sun and moon in the sky and then filled it with billions upon billions of stars. I shared with you this morning that I love westerns; the Lone Ranger and Tonto were out sleeping one night, camping there in the desert. After they had gotten their tent all set up and they had both fallen sound asleep, somewhere in the middle of the night Tonto reached over and he punched the Lone Ranger. He said, ''Hey, Kimosabe. Look up. What do you see?'' The Lone Ranger said, ''I see millions and millions of stars.'' Tonto said, ''What does that teach you? What does that say to you?'' He said, ''Well, astronomically that tells me that I'm looking again at millions and million ...

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