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by Nelson Price

Scripture: COLOSSIANS 3:1-2, MATTHEW 6:31-34


MATTHEW 6: 31 - 34

JESUS CHRIST has shared with us the secret passage through the
labyrinth of life. He has given us the formula that will give
us victory in life. This secret will:
. Enable us to avoid worry.
. Enable us to acquire the necessities of life.
. Enable us to appropriate contentment.
Sounds good doesn't it? This secret is the only method and
means of obtaining these longed for desires of every heart.
What then is it? He said:
" first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, AND
(then) all these things shall be added."
What things are the additives? He had just spoken of them.
They are food, clothes, and the basic necessities of life. We
have it all reversed. We imply that the obtaining of things
will give us freedom from worry and peace of mind. These things
are like a pedestal for a statue, and we have made of them the
statue. Any meager base will do for a statue.
Recently I had the joy of visiting the chapel of Florence, Italy
to view Michelangelo's "David." This massive and magnificent
work of art attracts thousands of admirers daily. Cameras snap
constantly punctuating the raves of admiring viewers. All of
the praise is directed to the statue, none to the base. Any
base would go unnoticed in the presence of this masterpiece.
When a life, that is, lifestyle is absorbed in seeking first the
kingdom of God, any base will do. It may be wealth or it may be
poverty. Suddenly the lifestyle becomes the thing of
importance. Diet, wardrobe, and the necessities of life almost

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