More Men in Genesis: Week 5 (5 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Exodus 33 - 35
Day 29 of Week 5
''Jacob and Esau''
Title: ''Boy Oh Boy''
Theme: ''These guys were twins, but not identical''
Text: ''Genesis 25: 20 - 34''
I - The Barrenness of the Woman (20 - 21)
II - The Battle in the Womb (22 - 23)
III - The Boys in the World (24 - 27)
IV - The Beginning of the Warfare (28 - 34)
Isaac and Rebekah were married when he was 40 years old and from the very beginning they faced grave issues; she was barren. As we have mentioned earlier 3 of the 4 matriarchs of Israel were barren, beginning with Sarah, then Rebekah, and ending with Rachel, with only Leah being able to conceive.
After Isaac is found seeking the Lord to touch his wives womb, we find out she is pregnant, but not merely pregnant, she is going to have twins. Something was amiss inside her womb and Rebekah goes to the Lord and inquires as to what is happening within her womb.
The Lord lets her know that inside her womb are two sons, but not just sons, these boys are as different as daylight and darkness. The two boys would be the founders of two nations, with Esau being the source that would produce the nation of Edom and the Edomites, and Jacob being the source that would birth forth the nation of Israel and the Jews.
The boys were born, with Esau coming out first, but his brother had him by the heal. Isaac was 60 years old when the boys were born and things changed quickly in that household.
Esau was a very hairy looking man and he was reddish in his complexion, whereas his brother was merely a plain man. Esau was a hunter and worked out in the fields, while his younger sibling was a tent dweller that raised cattle and sheep for a living.
Esau lived for himself and had no desire for his birthright or the blessings that would be his birth. Jacob on the other hand would prove to be a man that loved God, desired to have every blessing and promise th ...
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Exodus 33 - 35
Day 29 of Week 5
''Jacob and Esau''
Title: ''Boy Oh Boy''
Theme: ''These guys were twins, but not identical''
Text: ''Genesis 25: 20 - 34''
I - The Barrenness of the Woman (20 - 21)
II - The Battle in the Womb (22 - 23)
III - The Boys in the World (24 - 27)
IV - The Beginning of the Warfare (28 - 34)
Isaac and Rebekah were married when he was 40 years old and from the very beginning they faced grave issues; she was barren. As we have mentioned earlier 3 of the 4 matriarchs of Israel were barren, beginning with Sarah, then Rebekah, and ending with Rachel, with only Leah being able to conceive.
After Isaac is found seeking the Lord to touch his wives womb, we find out she is pregnant, but not merely pregnant, she is going to have twins. Something was amiss inside her womb and Rebekah goes to the Lord and inquires as to what is happening within her womb.
The Lord lets her know that inside her womb are two sons, but not just sons, these boys are as different as daylight and darkness. The two boys would be the founders of two nations, with Esau being the source that would produce the nation of Edom and the Edomites, and Jacob being the source that would birth forth the nation of Israel and the Jews.
The boys were born, with Esau coming out first, but his brother had him by the heal. Isaac was 60 years old when the boys were born and things changed quickly in that household.
Esau was a very hairy looking man and he was reddish in his complexion, whereas his brother was merely a plain man. Esau was a hunter and worked out in the fields, while his younger sibling was a tent dweller that raised cattle and sheep for a living.
Esau lived for himself and had no desire for his birthright or the blessings that would be his birth. Jacob on the other hand would prove to be a man that loved God, desired to have every blessing and promise th ...
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