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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Exodus 13, Exodus 14, Exodus 15
This content is part of a series.

Types of Christ in Genesis: Week 4 (4 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Exodus 13 - 15


Title: ''He Did Eat''
Theme: ''Adam willingly ate the fruit, why did he?''
Text: ''Genesis 3: 1 - 6''

I - The Desperate Dilemma
II - The Deadly Decision
III - The Deep Devotion

In the bible we know of the deep love and devotion that God had for this world and that Jesus Christ has for the church. We sing about this love, we ponder this love, and there are untold books and poems about this love.

In the bible we what is called ''types'' and more specifically we have what is called ''types of Christ.''

A type is a divinely purposed illustration of some truth. It may be: (1) a person; (2) an event; (3) a thing; (4) an institution; or (5) a ceremony. Types occur most frequently in the Pentateuch, but are found, more sparingly, elsewhere. The antitype, or fulfillment of the type, is found generally in the New Testament (Scofield New Reference Bible, p 6).

Even was deceived by Satan as she looked upon the fruit and then ate of it. The moment she ate of the fruit, Eve placed herself in a very desperate dilemma. As God had told them, she was now going to die and was dead on the inside, Eve and her husband were about to be separated forever.

Adam loved his wife and he was fully cognizant of his decision. If he did not eat of the fruit, he would be separated from his wife, but if he did eat of the fruit, then he would have to die along with his wife.

In taking the fruit and eating it, Adam became a type of Christ. Jesus was willing to come to earth in the form of a man, in the form of Adam, and in doing so he would taste death, but through his death, we would be able to receive eternal life. The first Adam loved his wife, but could not save her; the second Adam loved the world and saved all that are willing to believe in his death.

Day 23 of Week 4

Today's Reading Old Testament Exodus 16 - 18

This week's th ...

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