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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 43, Genesis 44, Genesis 45
This content is part of a series.

Places In Genesis: Week 3
Series: Moments With the Master
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 43 - 45

Today's Reading Old Testament Genesis 43 - 45

''The Garden of Eden''

Title: ''Poisoned In Paradise''
Theme: ''Man messed up perfection''
Text: ''Genesis 2: 8, 9, 25 and Genesis 3: 1 - 8''

I - The Preferred Planting of Eden (Genesis 2: 8)
II - The Perfect Paradise of Eden (Genesis 2: 9)
III - The Precious People of Eden (Genesis 2: 25)
IV - The Painful Plummet of Eden (Genesis 3: 1 - 7)
V - The Preeminent Person of Eden (Genesis 3: 8)

Jim was one of only 12 men who have ever walked on the moon. Even as a child, Jim had a dream of going to the moon. And because of this dream, Jim first became a test pilot for the Air Force. Then he became an astronaut.

Jim Irwin flew on Apollo 15, and on July 26, 1971, he fulfilled his dream of walking on the moon. Jim was the seventh man to accomplish that feat.

But while he was standing on the moon, looking back at our world the size of a blue marble, Jim Irwin felt the presence of God like never before.

It was an experience that literally changed his life. He left the space program and devoted himself to telling people about the life changing power of Jesus Christ. By the time of his death in 1991, Jim Irwin had told countless people about Jesus, and many of those people put their trust in the Lord.

Jim Irwin was absolutely right when he often told them that ''Jesus walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.''

The book of Genesis offers us many ''first time events'' and the ''Garden of Eden'' was one of those events and places. Adam and Eve were the only two people to have had the pleasure of living in a place of ''perfect paradise.''

The word ''Eden'' actually implies ''pleasure'' and the first couple of the bible was afforded the luxury of living in the ''lap of paradise,'' but as we know they mucked it up and were soon cast out of the garden. I wonder how long Adam and ...

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