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by Nelson Price

Scripture: PHILIPPIANS 2:12-16


PHILIPPIANS 2: 12 - 16

JESUS CHRIST has you under warranty. Any person who can read has
likely read a warranty within the last few days. Many gifts came
with a warranty. It is a guarantee that the product will work
and perform certain intended tasks.
The Bible states your warranty -- Phil. 2:13. In this passage
Christ's obedience unto death has just been spoken of. Against
this background of such obedience you are exhorted to "work out
your salvation". This is no reference to justification. It
states "work out", not work "for" or "at" your salvation.
An understanding of what is meant by "work out" comes from the
writings of a Roman historian named Strabo who lived in the
century before Christ. Writing in Greek he referred to the
famous silver mines in Spain. He spoke of the "working out of
the mines" and used the term employed in our text. It meant to
get the full value out of that which was already in possession.
The term was also used in math and referred to working out a
problem. It meant to start with the known and use the proper
math formulas to reach the ultimate answer.
With this understanding that is what you are to do with regard
to your salvation.
TODAY I plead with you because I know someday I will have to
stand before Jesus and give an account.
Not only will I have to stand and account, you will also. I
don't want you to be able to point at me and legitimately say,
"Iwould have been more faithful if he had been more faithful in
charging and challenging me."
I want to appeal to you to live up to your warranty.
I.WORK OUT (Vs. 12b) ...

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