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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Galatians 3:15-29
This content is part of a series.

Putting the Law in its Place (9)
Series: Galatians
Robert Dawson
Galatians 3:15-29

Have you ever been reading a book, laid it down for a while, and then picked it up again? You feel a little lost. You may even go back a few pages or even a chapter just to shock your brain cells into finding where you logged that information and bring it back to the forefront of you mind so you can pick up where you left off and have some sense of what's going on and where you are going?

That's how I feel about our study in Galatians with the different trips, conferences and special services that have taken place. I feel a little out of sync, so I want us to spend a few moments going back and wading into the flow of Paul's thought and argument in this letter so that we can better grasp where we are in that argument and where we are going.

There are times we may not feel a biblical text is imminently practical, not all are, but that does not mean they are devoid of profound spiritual truth. Some of you may feel that way about parts of Galatians. For some it can seem a little technical at time but there are some beautiful truths about grace, about faith and salvation.

For Paul to set the stage and display the beauty of those truths he has to help us, and his readers think through other aspects of God's Word, like the law, and what place they play in the salvation drama. Paul has been outlining for us what the role of God's law is and part of showing us that is through showing what its role is not.

So, by way of getting back into the flow of thought....
- Galatians 3.1-5. He reminds them that their salvation, their entrance into God's family, is not through human effort or religious performance. Not only is their entrance dependent on God's grace but their continued journey as a believer is dependent on God's grace. They started this journey by grace and they will finish it by grace. (Don't start a journey across the Atlantic in an ocean-liner and then decide you ...

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