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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 25, Genesis 26
This content is part of a series.

Women in Genesis: Week 2 (2 of 52)
Series: Moments with the Master
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 25 - 26

Title: ''The Mother of All Living''
Theme: ''Eve introduced life into the world and death''
Text: ''Genesis 2: 20 - 25, Genesis 3: 1 - 19''

I - Eve's Majestic Design (Genesis 2: 20 - 25)
II - Eve's Mournful Deception (Genesis 3: 1 - 5)
III - Eve's Morbid Discovery (Genesis 3: 6 - 10)
IV - Eve's Memorable Deflection (Genesis 3: 11 - 13)
V - Eve's Mounting Discipline (Genesis 3: 14 - 19)

God had made paradise and placed Adam in its midst but one thing was missing, the centerpiece of God's creation did not have anyone like himself. The Lord realized that Adam needed a mate, someone that he could interact with, talk to, and love.

The Lord had allowed his servant to name each and every animal, along with ever fowl of the air, but there still had to be one more creation, so he caused Adam to fall asleep and performed the first surgery of this world and he took one of his ribs and created him a woman, a helpmate, and a wife.

In time Eve was in the midst of the garden and Satan, whom is depicted as a snake that could walk upright and could also talk, begin to talk to her. The serpent deceived Eve and talked her into eating from the forbidden tree that was in the midst of the Garden of Eden.

One thing that we must remember about Satan is that he can make sin look good, it will feel good, and it will taste good. Eve fell for his deception and took the fruit to her husband and Adam willingly ate of the fruit, why did he do so?

If Adam had not of eaten of that fruit Eve and himself would have been separated forever and ever. This is another portrait of Christ in the Old Testament, Adam willing to step up and eat the fruit to be with his wife. Jesus did not have to come down to this wicked and evil world, we were the sinners, not him, but he loved us and he was willing to die for us.

Adam loved his wife and he was not willing to let her peris ...

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