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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 1, Genesis 2, Genesis 3
This content is part of a series.

Men in Genesis: Week 1 (2 of 52)
Series: Moment’s With The Master
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 1 - 3

Title: ''Man the Masterpiece of Creation''
Theme: ''Adam was the masterpiece of God's creative artwork''
Text: ''Genesis 2: 7''

Gen 2:7 KJV - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

I - Adam and his Uniqueness (7a)
II - Adam and his Likeness (7b)
III - Adam and his Consciousness (7c)

When God created this vast universe he spoke it into existence. He took nothing and made it into something by merely speaking forth his word. The bible wastes no time in trying to prove the existence of God, because God has always been and his handiwork is everywhere we look.

Upon creating Adam, God took up some scoops of dirt and crafted the centerpiece of his creation. The Lord did not select the stars to be his masterpiece, nor did he choose any of the vast mountains that set so mightily along this world's landscape.

Adam was unique in the fact that God actually held him within his hands and created him and crafted him with tender love and care. Then the Lord reached down and breathed life into him, unlike any of the other living things he had previously created.

The moment God imparted his breath into the nostrils of Adam, he became like God. He became a living and breathing soul, which had the breath of the eternal God flowing within his body.

The beauty of this moment was that man became very much like God from that day onward. Adam became a living soul with a living conscious and from that very moment, man would live forever and ever. We all know that in time Adam would sin and in sinning he would eventually die, but rather than merely dying he would live eternally, either in heaven or hell. Let us not take our humanity for granted, God crafted us and made us in his image and we ought to strive to please him and to be more and more like him.

Day 2 of Wee ...

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