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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Psalms 27:1-6

Christ is My Hope and My Haven
Donald Cantrell
Psalms 27:1 - 6

I - The Problems that David Faced (1 - 3)

II - The Place that David Favored (4)

III - The Peace that David Found (5a and 5b)

IV - The Praise that David Furnished (5c and 6)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points.

Theme: ''We can flee to our secret place of safety and security''

Value of Struggles

David Jeremiah points out that, ''The cocoon of the Emperor moth is flask-like in shape. To develop into a perfect insect, it must force its way through the neck of its cocoon by hours of intense struggle.

Entomologists explain that this pressure is nature's way of forcing a life-giving substance into its wings. Wanting to lessen the seemingly needless trials and struggles of the moth, an observer said, ''I'll lessen the pain and struggles of this helpless creature!'' With small scissors he snipped the restraining threads to make the moth's emergence painless and effortless.

The creature never developed wings. For a brief time before its death, it simply crawled instead of flying through the air on rainbow colored wings! If only the moth would have been allowed to finish struggling, its life would have been born into beauty.

Sorrow, suffering, trials, and tribulations are wisely designed to grow us into being like Christ.

''Today's temptation can become tomorrow's strength; today's trials, tomorrow's triumphs; today's crisis, tomorrow's crown. Christians suffer from spiritual atrophy when they are not strengthened through struggles.

The refining and developing processes are oftentimes slow, but through grace, we emerge triumphant.''
Turning Point Daily Devotional

In this beautiful Psalm, one does not have to wonder as to the author, it was none other than the ''Psalmist of Israel'' the most revered king that Israel ever had, it was written by David himself.

This Psalm is about troubles, trust, and triumphs. In observing the life ...

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