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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
This content is part of a series.

What Happens When a Christian Dies? (8 of 10)
Series: The Irresistible Church
Jim Perdue
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Intro/Attention: We have been studying verse by verse through the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians on Sunday evenings in a series I have entitled, The Irresistible Church. Tonight, we come to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and I'm preaching on the subject, What Happens When a Christian Dies? READ TEXT - PRAY

In this passage, Paul seeks to encourage the Thessalonian believers in their faith by answering some questions about life, death, the rapture, and the return of Christ.

Many of these new believers had come from a completely pagan background that viewed death with an utter lack of hope. One Ancient Historian: ''Hope is for the living - the dead are without hope.''

These new believers may not have yet grasped the Christian concept of death. The truth is for all of us death brings to mind a number of questions and challenges. What has happened to our loved one? Are they alright? Will we see them again?

In addition to this questions and concerns you have to add the fact that Paul had been preaching about the imminent return of Jesus Christ. This was a reality that governed and shaped how he lived and had taken root in the lives of these new believers. They expected that triumphant and victorious celebration to happen any moment --- this is a truth we are to live our lives in light of. When loved ones died and Christ had not come back that brought to mind a whole new set of questions and concerns. Had their loved ones missed out on the blessings of Christ return and the New Kingdom? If they had not missed out would they be at some disadvantage when the New Kingdom was set up. What will happen to them now? Do they have hope now?

More than just concern for their loved ones they had concerns for themselves. Death has a way of forcing us to face our own mortality head on. It brings challenges to our faith and security. In asking these ...

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