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by Scott Maze

Scripture: 1 John 5:13
This content is part of a series.

I Have a Friend Who Used to be a Christian (3 of 3)
Series: Asking for a Friend
Scott Maze
1 John 5:13

We are two Weeks from Easter. Invite a friend to join you. Easter is coming and that means more people in our building. Make yourself uncomfortable by sitting closer to the front and parking farther away - so visitors can have the preferred places.

This morning we're looking at this question, ''Can Someone Be Saved and Then Lose Their Salvation?'' Again, we invite your questions throughout this series. This series is designed to get conversations going. The second thing this series is designed to do is this: these messages are online and can be accessed at anytime. Today, you can ask anything you want to ask. Again, ask whatever you want to ask. I'll be in the parlor to continue the Question and Answer time (after the third service) as well. No technology used in parlor - just old-fashioned conversation (). This should begin around 12:15 p.m. or so.

Jason - The Former ''Believer''?

A friend and I were talking along I-35 as we were headed south to Austin earlier this month. We were both pastors who were concerned about our friend, Jason. Jason had grown up in church and had been a part of many the vital things churches do - VBS, youth camps, and he was present ever Sunday in the pews. He went on to a Christian school upon graduation from high school. He even experienced a call into ministry. Jason was a pastor who specialized in working with teenagers here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Although he's still in his early 30s, Jason had left his wife, Michelle, and the Christian faith. He lives in Austin now and has nothing to do with church. The people that Jason is still in contact with (he's cut off a lot of his old friends) say that he's not angry or mad at the church, but he's just disinterested in everything that is Christian. While his wife moved up north after their divorce, he lives single in the city and working his job. He hasn't convert ...

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