Scripture: John 19:9, John 19:17-28, John 19:30-42
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Jesus Is King (Of the Jews), Part II (29 of 32)
Series: John
Patrick Edwards
John 19:16b-42
Introduction: One of the mantras you often hear most in sports is that the best offense is a good defense. Almost regardless of the sport you can count on this approach to help you build a winning team. In football and basketball this strategy hinges on the idea of simply preventing your opponent from scoring. Goes without saying, right, that if you keep your opponent from putting points on the board then you'll have a really good chance at winning.
But there's more to a good defense than just preventing the other side from scoring. Especially in sports like soccer and tennis a good defense can actually shape your offense. In soccer we call this the counter-attack, that being that once your opponent has all their players down by your goal, well, that leaves their own goal largely undefended. And so, some teams organize their entire game-plan around the counter-attack. In tennis you see this discussed largely around what's called the return serve, and that's the idea that when your opponent is serving the ball your strategy is not just to get the ball back in play, but to take advantage of your opponent's positioning to try and score the winner yourself. Right, in both sports the idea is that it will be through my reaction to your attempt to score that I'll be able to actually score. And you can't really argue with the strategy; it very often works.
Sometimes, however, we think of the mission of Jesus in these same ways. Maybe not intentionally or explicitly, but we view the Gospel as God's counter-attack, His return serve, if you will. The idea is that creation has been corrupted and lost through sin and, thus, God responded by sending Jesus. In other words, there was Plan A, but the devil ruined that, the sin of Adam and Eve stopped that, and so now the Gospel is Plan B. Perhaps some even see the Gospel as Plan C or D. To think of the mission of Jesus in suc ...
Series: John
Patrick Edwards
John 19:16b-42
Introduction: One of the mantras you often hear most in sports is that the best offense is a good defense. Almost regardless of the sport you can count on this approach to help you build a winning team. In football and basketball this strategy hinges on the idea of simply preventing your opponent from scoring. Goes without saying, right, that if you keep your opponent from putting points on the board then you'll have a really good chance at winning.
But there's more to a good defense than just preventing the other side from scoring. Especially in sports like soccer and tennis a good defense can actually shape your offense. In soccer we call this the counter-attack, that being that once your opponent has all their players down by your goal, well, that leaves their own goal largely undefended. And so, some teams organize their entire game-plan around the counter-attack. In tennis you see this discussed largely around what's called the return serve, and that's the idea that when your opponent is serving the ball your strategy is not just to get the ball back in play, but to take advantage of your opponent's positioning to try and score the winner yourself. Right, in both sports the idea is that it will be through my reaction to your attempt to score that I'll be able to actually score. And you can't really argue with the strategy; it very often works.
Sometimes, however, we think of the mission of Jesus in these same ways. Maybe not intentionally or explicitly, but we view the Gospel as God's counter-attack, His return serve, if you will. The idea is that creation has been corrupted and lost through sin and, thus, God responded by sending Jesus. In other words, there was Plan A, but the devil ruined that, the sin of Adam and Eve stopped that, and so now the Gospel is Plan B. Perhaps some even see the Gospel as Plan C or D. To think of the mission of Jesus in suc ...
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